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Is it possible to open more than one query tab without opening another connection via Alias in Squirrel SQL?



I keep commenting out my queries in the SquirreL SQL client, but I also have been opening new connections using other Aliases, however it all gets a bit crowded in the tab area.

I've also been able to save my queries in files, which works great except for the fact that the entire path to the file (often very long) appears in the tab.

Is it possible to just have another SQL tab opened, or might there be a way to simplify how many SQL query tabs I open?

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leeand00 Avatar asked Jun 07 '12 14:06


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I have used it with many databases and it works really nice. Powerful because works with many DBMS Complex to install. 1 user found this review helpful. Simple yet feature-filled, nice client!

How do I view tables in SQuirreL?

After you open your session, click the Objects tab, then expand the tree. Expand the db, schema, and then table nodes, and you'll see all of your tables. If you click on a particular table node, a table will open to the right. By clicking the Columns tab, you can get the column names, types, and other meta data.

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The SQuirreL SQL Client is a database administration tool. It uses JDBC to allow users to explore and interact with databases via a JDBC driver. It provides an editor that offers code completion and syntax highlighting for standard SQL.

1 Answers

I hope, the answer will be still useful, although the question is asked some times ago :-)

Is it possible to just have another SQL tab opened, or might there be a way to simplify how many SQL query tabs I open?

You can open a new SQL-Worksheet for the current session. Try one of the following:

  • Shortcut CTRL+N
  • Menu Session >> New SQL-Worksheet
  • In the toolbar, the icon right of the rollback button.

I've also been able to save my queries in files, which works great except for the fact that the entire path to the file (often very long) appears in the tab.

This changed in 3.4.0. Please see the changes

Instead of displaying the file paths in Session tabs a small button is displayed when an open file exists. Clicking the button will open a popup menu that gives access to several information and functions concerning the file.

like image 191
wis775 Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 12:10
