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Is it possible to obtain and modify standard system context menu for textbox?

I have a simple winform app with textbox.
I didnt assigned any context menu to text field and "it uses" standard one. I desire to add some new items to textbox's standard context menu. But I cant obtain it for modification, if be more clearly I didnt know how to obtain HMENU native object.
ContextMenu property of my textbox equals null so I suppose that menu appers within textbox defaul windProc routing. It there a way to get the default context menu or get a copy of it?

Thanks in advance!

like image 959
Anton Semenov Avatar asked Nov 13 '22 23:11

Anton Semenov

1 Answers

Depending on any plug-ins you're using, it may be easier, and more understandable, to create a custom control that derives from TextBox and defines a "default" contextual menu. Then, change all TextBoxes in your solution to be your custom control instead. Failing that, if you have a common window ancestor, set up some initialization code that assigns a given ContextMenu to all controls in the form's hierarchy of type TextBox. Instead of plugging in to low-level Windows hooks, you're using what the framework gives you to accomplish the same end, and your posterity doesn't have to know how Windows handles contextual menus at a message-passing level in order to alter this behavior.

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KeithS Avatar answered Dec 21 '22 23:12
