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Is it possible to mock the sqlite3 Cursor in Android when no db or table exists?

I am using a ContentProvider for caching results from a web-service query. It is an HTTP request and the response content is XML. Most of the data is cached, so I simply query the DB, if not found, request from webservice, insert in DB and requery the DB. Thus the response is always a Cursor from SQLiteDatabaseHelper.

I have one result set that is not stored in the DB and since it is 100% transient, but I would like to provide the appearance of it coming from the DB's Cursor. Is there an easy way to do this? For example, if I could project it onto the cursor with a cursor.setValue("string", objectValue) or some other existing implementation.

If not, I will either bypass the DB for this content result, or stuff it into a trivial table that is constantly reused.

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mobibob Avatar asked Sep 16 '10 03:09


1 Answers

Depending on how you use it, it might not be too hard to write your own cursor class. For convenience, derive your class from AbstractCursor class which takes care of a lot of the details for you.

You may also be able to make use of MatrixCursor.

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dhaag23 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 03:09
