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Is it possible to minimize all functions at Android Studio at once?


When working on a class with thousands of lines, minimizing some functions on the IDE makes it very handy to manage the code.

enter image description here

However, everytime we restart the IDE; or close the function: it will be re-opened again.

Is there a way to keep your 'minimizing' preferences?

like image 966
Machado Avatar asked Jun 28 '15 17:06


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The Alt+Enter shortcut on android studio will help automatically fix "Unresolved reference" error adding the import statements needed.

How do you minimize all functions in Python?

It's Shift + F12 . It will toggle collapse on all the blocks. Hope it helps.

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It is simple and default: ( CTRL + Z ) This is for undo. Just press ( CTRL + SHIFT + Z ) for redo.

2 Answers

(for windows Users)

Same time All Methods Collapse : CTRL + SHFT + -

Same time All Methods Expand :CTRL + SHFT + +

(for Mac Users)

Same time All Methods Collapse : Command + SHFT + -

Same time All Methods Expand :Command + SHFT + +

like image 193
siddharth patel Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10

siddharth patel

You can go to Code > Folding > Collapse All

In my case the short-cut is CTRL+SHFT+/.

like image 27
isma3l Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10
