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Is it possible to loop through a C# Class object?



I have a C# class that I want to loop through the properties as a key/value pair but don't know how.

Here is what I would like to do:

Foreach (classobjectproperty prop in classobjectname)
    if (prop.name == "somename")
        //do something cool with prop.value
like image 212
SLoret Avatar asked Oct 24 '10 19:10


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1 Answers


Type type = typeof(Form); // Or use Type.GetType, etc
foreach (PropertyInfo property in type.GetProperties())
    // Do stuff with property

This won't give them as key/value pairs, but you can get all kinds of information from a PropertyInfo.

Note that this will only give public properties. For non-public ones, you'd want to use the overload which takes a BindingFlags. If you really want just name/value pairs for instance properties of a particular instance, you could do something like:

var query = foo.GetType()
               .GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public |
               // Ignore indexers for simplicity
               .Where(prop => !prop.GetIndexParameters().Any())
               .Select(prop => new { Name = prop.Name,
                                     Value = prop.GetValue(foo, null) });

foreach (var pair in query)
    Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", pair.Name, pair.Value);
like image 94
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 16:09

Jon Skeet