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Is it possible to list all third-level domains of the given second-level domain?




For example, suppose I want to list all third-level domains of google.com. That list should look like


etc. Is it possible to get that list for an arbitrary second-level domain?

like image 875
Adobe Avatar asked Dec 18 '16 14:12


1 Answers

In practice, no.

It may be possible for a specific domain, if the owner of the domain felt like it. Find the name servers for the domain in question (dig ns google.com), then ask one of them for a zone transfer (dig axfr google.com @ns1.google.com) and see if you get a list of names or a short error message.

like image 126
Calle Dybedahl Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09

Calle Dybedahl