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Is it possible to kill the parent thread from within a child thread in python?

I am using Python 3.5.2 on windows.

I would like to run a python script but guarantee that it will not take more than N seconds. If it does take more than N seconds, an exception should be raised, and the program should exit. Initially I had thought I could just launch a thread at the beginning that waits for N seconds before throwing an exception, but this only manages to throw an exception to the timer thread, not to the parent thread. For example:

import threading
import time

def may_take_a_long_time(name, wait_time):
    print("{} started...".format(name))
    print("{} finished!.".format(name))

def kill():
    raise TimeoutError("No more time!")

kill_thread = threading.Thread(target=kill)

may_take_a_long_time("A", 2)
may_take_a_long_time("B", 2)
may_take_a_long_time("C", 2)
may_take_a_long_time("D", 2)

This outputs:

A started...
A finished!.
B started...
Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Program Files\Python35\lib\threading.py", line 914, in _bootstrap_inner
    File "C:\Program Files\Python35\lib\threading.py", line 862, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
    File "timeout.py", line 11, in kill
    raise TimeoutError("No more time!")
    TimeoutError: No more time!

B finished!.
C started...
C finished!.
D started...
D finished!.

Is this even remotely possible? I realize I could do something like this:

import threading
import time

def may_take_a_long_time(name, wait_time, thread):
    if not thread.is_alive():
    print("{} started...".format(name))
    print("{} finished!.".format(name))

def kill():
    raise TimeoutError("No more time!")

kill_thread = threading.Thread(target=kill)

may_take_a_long_time("A", 2, kill_thread)
may_take_a_long_time("B", 2, kill_thread)
may_take_a_long_time("C", 2, kill_thread)
may_take_a_long_time("D", 2, kill_thread)

But this method fails if, for example, may_take_a_long_time("B", 60, kill_thread) was called.

So I guess my TL;DR question is, what's the best way to put a time limit on the main thread itself?

like image 435
DJMcMayhem Avatar asked Sep 02 '16 16:09


People also ask

How do you kill child thread from parent thread?

We can explore how to kill a thread via its parent process by calling the terminate() method. In this example, we will first create a new child process. The child process will then execute our task in the main thread of the process.

How do you kill threads on a thread in Python?

In Python, you simply cannot kill a Thread directly. If you do NOT really need to have a Thread (!), what you can do, instead of using the threading package , is to use the multiprocessing package . Here, to kill a process, you can simply call the method: yourProcess.

How do you kill a thread inside?

To end the thread, just return from that function. According to this, you can also call thread. exit() , which will throw an exception that will end the thread silently.

2 Answers

You can use _thread.interrupt_main (this module is called thread in Python 2.7):

import time, threading, _thread

def long_running():
    while True:

def stopper(sec):

threading.Thread(target = stopper, args = (2, )).start()

like image 78
ForceBru Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 04:09


If the parent thread is the root thread, you may want to try os._exit(0).

import os
import threading
import time

def may_take_a_long_time(name, wait_time):
    print("{} started...".format(name))
    print("{} finished!.".format(name))

def kill():

kill_thread = threading.Thread(target=kill)

may_take_a_long_time("A", 2)
may_take_a_long_time("B", 2)
may_take_a_long_time("C", 2)
may_take_a_long_time("D", 2)
like image 45
rbanffy Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 03:09
