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Is it possible to initialize an object inside another object initialization without constructors?



What I need is fairly simple, I just want to initialize an object that is a child of another object which I am initializing. In C# it would look something like this:

var car = new Car { 
serialNumber = 25,
engine = new Engine {
    horsePower = 500

In this example code I am initializing the Engine type inside the initialization of the Car type. While trying to do this with TypeScript no matter what I try I get syntax errors.

Here is my TypeScript code:

var car: Car = new Car({
serialNumber: 25,
    engine: new Engine({ 
        horsePower: 500

This block of code just does not work, and all the classes used in the code here are obviously imported.

Could it really be a basic feature like this isn't supported in TypeScript?

EDIT: There is no constructor in these classes. Here's how they look:

export class Car { 
    serialNumber: number;
    engine: Engine;
like image 545
Bodokh Avatar asked Mar 01 '17 00:03


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1 Answers

You can certainly do this, you just have to pass the correct constructor arguments.

The code you've written passes a single constructor argument object with keys. So your classes should look something like this:

class Car {
    constructor(args: { serialNumber: number; engine: Engine; }) { }

class Engine {
    constructor(args: { horsePower: number; }) { }

If, however, your classes use multiple named constructor arguments, like this:

class Car {
    constructor(serialNumber: number, engine: Engine) { }

class Engine {
    constructor(horsePower: number) { }

Then you simply have to pass your constructor arguments correctly:

const car: Car = new Car(25, new Engine(500));


that would require me to create a constructor which is kind of annoying

I'm a bit confused... your original code uses classes, so you should already have a constructor unless you are adding each property using an assignment. Please post a complete example.

If you're just trying to create a nested object literal structure, you just need an interface, then create the object using normal JS object literal notation:

interface Car {
  serialNumber: number;
  engine: Engine;

interface Engine {
  horsePower: number;

const car: Car = {
  serialNumber: 25,
  engine: { 
    horsePower: 500

If you're trying to assign an object literal to a class type, then you're doing it wrong. :)


So, you have a class with properties and no constructor. This means you can't instantiate it with properties, either nested or one at a time. You could write a generic helper function to instantiate a class and assign properties:

function create<T>(constructor: new() => T, props: Partial<T>): T {
    let instance = new constructor();
    for (let key in props) {
        instance[key] = props[key];
    return instance;

And then create a nested class object like this:

const car = create(Car, {
    serialNumber: 123,
    engine: create(Engine, {
        horsePower: 456

But if your classes really just have properties, I think you'd be better off just using interfaces and object literals (as in my previous example).

like image 82
Aaron Beall Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 04:10

Aaron Beall