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Is it possible to implement ArangoDB sharding by database (rather than collection or shardKey)?

I have a large Arango instance with lots of databases - one for each project. Each projects database has a bunch of collections and a lot of data. The databases look something like


I'd like to distribute query load by sharding the instance so that each project database runs on a separate server, or spin up multiple large hosts and have Arango set things up automatically. However it seems like ArangoDB sharding only works at the collection level (for instance by record _key within a collection).

Is there any way to setup sharding by database? If not, are there any best practices for running/orchestrating multiple Arango instances?

like image 747
ZECTBynmo Avatar asked Dec 13 '18 19:12


People also ask

Does database sharding improve performance?

Sharding can help users load-balance the data existence across multiple servers to acquire the scalability, while replication will create backups of the primary database to improve the system availability. The two different architectures bring different advantages to the distributed system.

Is ArangoDB distributed?

In this way, ArangoDB has been designed as a distributed multi-model database. This section gives a short outline on the Cluster architecture and how the above features and capabilities are achieved.

3 Answers

one of options to run multiple instances is to use Docker Swarm. with example below you can run multiple instances of ArangoDB

you'll need

  • Docker
  • with initialized Swarm docker swarm init [OPTIONS]
  • optionaly with more nodes added via docker swarm join [OPTIONS] HOST:PORT
  • and set group labels on nodes via docker node update --label-add group=group1 [node-name], group1 on first node, group2 on second node and so on

then save code below as docker-stack-arango.yml

version: '3.3'

    image: "${ARANGO_IMAGE}"
      - arangodb:/var/lib/arangodb3
      - arangodb_apps:/var/lib/arangodb3-apps
      - target: 8529
        published: $ARANGO_PUBLISHED_PORT
        protocol: tcp
        mode: ingress
      mode: replicated
      replicas: 1
      endpoint_mode: vip
          - node.labels.group==$INSTANCE_GROUP
          cpus: $LIMITS_CPU
          memory: $LIMITS_MEMORY
        condition: any
        delay: 5s
        max_attempts: 3
        window: 60s
        parallelism: 1
        delay: 30s
    stop_grace_period: 60s

      name: ${ARANGO_VOLUME}
      name: ${ARANGO_APPS_VOLUME}

update and run config in shell/bash

export INSTANCE_GROUP="group1"
export INSTANCE_NAME="arango1"
export INSTANCE_PORT=8529
export INSTANCE_PASSWORD="do-not-use-this-password-in-production"

export ARANGO_IMAGE_TAG="3.4.0"
export ARANGO_IMAGE_REPO="arangodb/arangodb"
export ARANGO_VOLUME="arangodb-${INSTANCE_NAME}--3.4.0"
export ARANGO_APPS_VOLUME="arangodb-apps-${INSTANCE_NAME}--3.4.0"
export ARANGO_STORAGE_ENGINE="rocksdb"
export LIMITS_CPU=1
export LIMITS_MEMORY=1024M

and then run deploy

docker stack deploy -c ./docker-stack-arango.yml $INSTANCE_NAME

to deploy second instance change INSTANCE_NAME, INSTANCE_PORT and INSTANCE_GROUP and run deploy again

then you can access instances via ip of any node with configured port

like image 77
sevcik.tk Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10


No. Sharding is implemented solely for the purpose of distributing documents of any collection over multiple database servers. This is a means, to implement memory as well as load balancing on ArangoDB clusters.

like image 43
Kaveh Vahedipour Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10

Kaveh Vahedipour

Arango can also be implemented using Kubernetes instead of Docker swarm (probably better).You could even create multiple server standalone instances if you really wanted to. Whichever the implementation technology though, I guess what the other answers are trying to indicate is that if you have multiple independent databases, you could, have multiple instances of ArangoDB (or any other DB for that matter). The only time you would want keep multiple DBs in one instance is if the DBs are small enough that they will not compete for the server's resources.

Dividing you current instance should be fairly straight forward as you can backup, restore and manipulate the different DBs independently. Sharding and other associated concepts like partitioning are meant for times where you have to keep all the data within a single database. In that case, one needs to find a way to divide the data in multiple servers while keeping it as a single unit. That does not appear to be the case for here.

If you want to find out more on how to use ArangoDb with Kubernetes, you can find the documentation here

like image 34
camba1 Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 13:10
