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Is it possible to get the "Popular times" information through the Google Places API

Is it possible to get the "Popular times" information through the Google Places API or any other API? I need this information to be displayed in my application for a particular place.

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Ashwin Praveen Avatar asked Nov 07 '16 01:11

Ashwin Praveen

People also ask

How Google find out popular times?

About visit data To determine popular times, wait times, and visit duration, Google uses aggregated and anonymized data from users who have opted in to Google Location History. Popular times, wait times, and visit duration are shown for your business if it gets enough visits from these users.

Is Google live popular times accurate?

Google then uses the survey data to improve live busyness accuracy. If very few people allow Google to access their location data in real-time, live Popular Times can sometimes be inaccurate. When a business is near other companies, live Popular Times can be even more inaccurate.

Can I get traffic data from Google Maps API?

Google Maps traffic information is available via the Distance Matrix API, and to access it, the only thing you need to do is to get a developer key from Google. You can call the service up to 2,500 times in a 24-hour period for free, which should be fine for most advertisers.

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1 Answers

This is one of the top feature requests in Google issue tracker (more than 500 stars):


Currently, the state is Assigned, however, no any ETA provided by Google. Please star it to get further updates.

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xomena Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 02:10
