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Is it possible to get the iOS 6 advertisingIdentifier in Mobile Safari?



Is it possible to get the iOS 6 advertisingIdentifier in Mobile Safari?

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user1615362 Avatar asked Oct 12 '12 11:10


People also ask

What is iOS Ad ID?

iOS Device Apple's mobile ad ID is known as the IDFA, short for ID for advertisers. The IDFA on an iOS device is hidden by default. It can be accessed using a third-party app. There are several free apps available on the App Store that allow you to know your device's IDFA.

How do I get iOS IDFA?

Find My Apple Device ID The simplest way to locate your iOS device's IDFA is to use a third-party app called The Identifiers. The purpose of the app is to display a device's IDFA, so all you have to do is install and open the app to see your IDFA.

1 Answers

This cannot currently be done.

From http://oleb.net/:

iOS apps can read the state of this preference and are required to respect it (see below). I would have loved if Mobile Safari also used this setting to send an appropriate Do Not Track HTTP header but unfortunately that is not (yet?) the case.

Here's the link:


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Undo Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 20:10
