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Is it possible to find all DNS subdomains for a given domain name? [closed]


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Anyone knows if it's possible to find all A records, CNAME or subzone records configured for a domain name?

For example, domain.com:

www IN CNAME domain.com.
subdomain1 IN CNAME domain.com.
subdomain2 IN CNAME domain.com. 

subdomain1 IN A
subdomain2 IN A 

I want to keep a sub-domain private where I'll run an admin application (it will be password protected and on a special port, but I would prefer to keep it as private as possible).

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smartins Avatar asked Nov 20 '08 14:11


People also ask

How do I find all DNS entries for a domain?

Launch Windows Command Prompt by navigating to Start > Command Prompt or via Run > CMD. Type NSLOOKUP and hit Enter. The default Server is set to your local DNS, the Address will be your local IP. NSLOOKUP will now return the record entries for the domain you entered.

Do subdomains have DNS records?

A subdomain is a DNS record for a hostname that belongs to your domain.

Are subdomains hidden?

You are using the wrong tool for the Job!Subdomains are not private. They can't be made private either. The reason why they can't be is because of DNS, or Domain Name System. Without going into too much detail, DNS is a database of all domains and subdomains, and values associated to them.

1 Answers

Like others have said, what you want is a so called zone-transfer. If it is your own domain you can configure the DNS server to give it to you. If it is for some other domain you probably don't get it, since most DNS-admins consider it a security threat.

Even if an individual record isn't a problem (thats what the DNS it therefore) it could be a problem if an evil person gets a list of all your records: It could simplify an attack.

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some Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09
