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Is it possible to do a $lookup aggregation between two databases in Mongodb?

I'm trying to do something like this:

use user; 

          from: "organization.organization",
          localField: "organizationId",
          foreignField: "uuid",
          as: "user_org"

user and organization are in two different databases.

If this is not possible, what are the alternatives?

like image 352
Alexander Suraphel Avatar asked Aug 30 '16 08:08

Alexander Suraphel

People also ask

What is $lookup in MongoDB?

$lookup performs an equality match on the localField to the foreignField from the documents of the from collection. If an input document does not contain the localField , the $lookup treats the field as having a value of null for matching purposes.

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The pipeline provides efficient data aggregation using native operations within MongoDB, and is the preferred method for data aggregation in MongoDB. The aggregation pipeline can operate on a sharded collection. The aggregation pipeline can use indexes to improve its performance during some of its stages.

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For performing MongoDB Join two collections, you must use the $lookup operator. It is defined as a stage that executes a left outer join with another collection and aids in filtering data from joined documents. For example, if a user requires all grades from all students, then the below query can be written: Students.

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Starting in MongoDB 4.2, you can update documents with an aggregation pipeline if you use the stages shown in Updates with Aggregation Pipeline.

3 Answers

Is it possible to do a $lookup aggregation between two databases in Mongodb?

It is not possible to query using lookup in two different db's. $lookup in mongodb supports Performs a left outer join to an unsharded collection in the same database.

{    $lookup:      {        from: <collection to join>,        localField: <field from the input documents>,        foreignField: <field from the documents of the "from" collection>,        as: <output array field>      } } 

We can use getSibling("dbname") to query another db from one db


Reference - MongoDB cross database query

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Clement Amarnath Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 20:09

Clement Amarnath

Yes just read the following mongodb doc:

In Atlas Data Lake, $lookup can be used to perform a join of collections from different databases.


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Gnopor Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09


Here is a workaround for those who don't use Atlas Data Lake.

Let's assume we have collection1 in db1 and collection2 in db2.

From db1, first merge collection2

        $match: { "key1": "optional some condition to limit the number of results" }
        $project: { k2: "$optional projection to limit object attributes" }
        $merge: { into: { db: "db1", coll: "tmpCollection2" } }


Then use is to lookup with collection1

        $lookup: {
            from: "tmpCollection2",
            localField: "localField",
            foreignField: "k2",
            as: "tmpCollection2_docs"
        //Simulate the inner join if needed
        $match: {
            "tmpCollection2_docs": {
                $ne: []
       // Transform the array if needed
        $addFields: {
            "tmpCollection2_docs": {
                $arrayElemAt: ["$tmpCollection2_docs", 0]
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loonis Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 20:09
