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Is it possible to disable pylint missing docstring error for short functions and methods?

Pylint reports an error for every function and method (except __init__) that has no docstring.

This is generally desirable, so I don't want to disable it globally (in pylintrc, or at file level).

However, in my opinion, there are cases where a docstring is not necessary, and even harmful. For example:

def get_foo(self, foo_id):
    """Gets foo by its id."""
    return foos[foo_id]

This method is a simple getter that is completely described by its signature. Having to write a docstring is harmful in that it creates duplicate maintenance if the method is changed.

I'd like to be able to set (e.g. in pylintrc) something like docstring_threshold=3, to suppress missing docstring errors if the function or method is shorter than 3 lines of code. Is there any way to do that?

like image 352
Itamar Avatar asked Nov 12 '14 14:11


People also ask

How do I disable Pylint docstring?

For previous versions of Pylint, it does not have a separate code for the various place where docstrings can occur, so all you can do is disable C0111.

How do I ignore Pylint errors?

you can ignore it by adding a comment in the format # pylint: disable=[problem-code] at the end of the line where [problem-code] is the value inside pylint(...) in the pylint message – for example, abstract-class-instantiated for the problem report listed above.

What does missing docstring mean?

Missing function or method docstring used when a function or method has no docstring. Some special methods like __init__ , protected, private functions, setters and deleters do not require a docstring (learn more from testscases). It's a good practice to describe what a function does for other programmers.

What is a function docstring?

A docstring is simply a multi-line string, that is not assigned to anything. It is specified in source code that is used to document a specific segment of code. Unlike conventional source code comments, the docstring should describe what the function does, not how.

1 Answers

Using pylint 1.3.1 add a line to you pylintrc docstring-min-length=10 for example.

It is described in the generated pylintrc pylint --generate-rcfile file as

Minimum line length for functions/classes that require docstrings, shorter ones are exempt.

Documentation reference.

like image 187
ryanpattison Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 18:10
