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Is it possible to develop Windows Phone 8 app using just HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript?

I was introduced to programming by the web (HTML, CSS, JS, and some PHP) and never tapped on the desktop development for Windows so when I tried to read through the Windows Phone 8 developer documentations, I was totally lost at sea.

I once read a line or two on Microsoft website that says you can build WP8 apps using just HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript but could never find it any more. So my question is if it's possible?

I tried to find something to get started but it seems to me it all requires C#, C/C++, etc.? I thought they said the web is native in WP8? So in this sense, I should be able to develop apps using just HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript? Am I right?

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datasn.io Avatar asked Jun 20 '13 05:06


1 Answers

Yes, of course. You can use PhoneGap to get your job done!

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GenieWanted Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09
