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Is it possible to delete a package within SSIS Catalog?

Seems it could not be done in SSMS. Does Microsoft actually provide this option for users to delete single package within SSIS catalog? Thanks.

Best Regards, Mike

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OysterSing Avatar asked Oct 31 '16 16:10


People also ask

How do I remove a package from Integration Services Catalog?

In SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), open the Integration Services project that contains the package you want to delete. In Solution Explorer, right-click the package, and then click Delete. Click OK to confirm the deletion or click Cancel to keep the package.

Can I delete Ssisdb?

Optionally, you can delete SSISDB logs outside their retention period on a schedule.

How do I terminate a SSIS package?

There is a way to do that. It is possible to Cancel a running SSIS package via SSISDB's a built-in stored procedure called [catalog]. [stop_operation] .

Where are SSIS catalog packages stored?

The default folder is the Packages folder, located in %Program Files%\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS. The MSDB folder lists the Integration Services packages that have been saved to the SQL Server msdb database on the server.

2 Answers

Microsoft has added Incremental package deployment in SQL 2016 - This feature lets you deploy one or more packages to an existing or new project without deploying the whole project.

As Incremental package deployment has been added, I believe, decremental for single package is not there. There are no any SPs other than catalog.delete_project, Folder and Environments in SSIS catalog (Projects and Packages).

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p2k Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10


What I did is this:

I looked for the project_ID from [SSISDB].[internal].[projects]. We have Dev/QA and UAT packages deployed on same server under different projects, which is why I looked for the project_ID.

Project DB sanpshot

Then I just ran the delete script on [SSISDB].[internal].[packages]

 delete from [SSISDB].[internal].[packages] where project_id=3 and name like '%your package name%'
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Manish Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10
