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Is it possible to customize the skin on Zeppelin?

Is it possible to customize the skin on Zeppelin? In otherwords, replace the Zeppelin logo with something else?

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jjreddick Avatar asked Sep 25 '15 22:09


2 Answers

Yes, it is possible very much.

As you know Apache Zeppelin (incubating) is an open source project, so need just to:

  • clone it from github.com/apache/incubator-zeppelin
  • make modifications inside zeppelin-web sub-module

    it is a standard Angular web-application, so you can change anything

  • build it

That is basically it.

There are at least 2 companies who are known to successfully follow these steps.

Commercial products based on Zeppelin

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bzz Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 07:10


As already mentioned in bzz's answer: it is possible to customise the UI of zeppelin. Here are some more details:

Check out zeppelin source code (e.g. from GitHub https://github.com/apache/zeppelin ). Then:

  • To customize the front page (which has a "Welcome to Zeppelin" on it): edit zeppelin-web/src/app/home/home.html

  • To customise the navbar (which contains a small zeppelin logo and the word zeppelin): edit zeppelin-web/src/components/navbar/navbar.html

  • To customise the color scheme edit zeppelin-web/src/app/home/home.css For the navbar color you need to change the entries for navbar-inverse, but many other elements (e.g. interpreter titles) use the same color.

After that you need to rebuild zeppelin mvn clean install -DskipTests (note that you may need to force reload in the browser).

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Christian Fries Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 09:10

Christian Fries