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Is it possible to create merge requests in pure Git from the command line?

I'm using a behind-firewall install of Gitorious.

I can go into the web application and create a pull request from a clone and target the master repo from which it was cloned.

I'd like to be able to do this on the command line. More specifically, I'd like to be able to open merge requests from the command line from one branch to another (rather than from clone to seed repo).

Since I'm not using Github, I can't use Github specific tools or libraries. Is this possible?

like image 863
buley Avatar asked Sep 01 '11 16:09


People also ask

Can you create a pull request from GIT CLI?

Make your changes. Push it back to your repo. Click the Compare & pull request button. Click Create pull request to open a new pull request.

1 Answers

The answer given by svick is not correct. It is possible.

There's git request-pull which is part of the Git suite. Using that command line tool, you could create a pull request that could be sent per E-Mail.

your origin holds a branch master. Now you create a local bugfix branch fix, implement the bug fix and push that fix branch to origin:

git push origin fix:fix 

Then, you want someone to merge the changes made in the fix branch into master. Create the pull request with

git request-pull master origin 

This will create a text formatted as follows:

The following changes since commit <SHA of master>:    <commit message of SHA of mster>  are available in the git repository at:   <repo location> fix  <User Name> (<Number of Commits>):       <messages of the commits>       ...   <changed files>  ...  <file statistics> 

If the merge request shall go to somebody that cannot access your repo where you pushed your changes, there's always the opportunity of doing it with git format-patch.

After pushing your fix branch to origin (you don't even need to do that), while being on the fix branch create the patch using

git format-patch master.. 

This will create a patch file for each commit you did in fix since branching off master. You could bundle the generated .patch files with

tar czf fix.tgz *.patch 

and then send to someone e.g. via E-Mail to review and apply.

For the sake of completeness: applying the patches could be done with git am.

like image 77
eckes Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09
