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Is it possible to create a custom namespace tag in XMP Dublin core metadata?

I am curious to know whether it is possible to create a custom namespace for the XMP Dublin Core metadata?

For example If I want to add a tag like mytest

I can write the XMP Metadata standard tags such as description however I can't write my own tag

~/$ exiftool -xmp-dc:description="Foo" demo.png
    1 image files updated
~/$ exiftool -xmp-dc:mytest="Bar" demo.png
Warning: Tag 'mytest' does not exist
Nothing to do.
like image 921
Anthony Avatar asked Jun 25 '14 19:06


People also ask

What is XMP namespace?

The XMP namespaces define a set of properties. In any given XMP Packet, a property may be absent or present. For any given XMP, there is no requirement that all properties from a given namespace must be present.

What is XMP description?

Description. XMP is a labelling technology that allows you to embed data about a file, as metadata, into the file itself.

1 Answers

Yes. Defining custom XMP tags and namespaces in ExifTool is done via user-defined tags in a config file. For example:

~/$ exiftool -config my.config -xmp-dc:mytest="Bar" demo.png
    1 image files updated
~/$ exiftool -xmp-dc:mytest demo.png
Mytest                          : Bar
~/$ cat my.config
%Image::ExifTool::UserDefined = (
    'Image::ExifTool::XMP::dc' => {
        mytest => { },
# end

See the sample ExifTool config file for more details.

like image 184
PhilHarvey Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 04:10
