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Is it possible to copy / paste References from one project to another in Visual Studio?


Is there a way or tool that lets you to copy some references from one project and paste them to another -so that I do not bother my self again by using ADD REFERENCE?

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pencilCake Avatar asked Jan 05 '12 12:01


People also ask

How do I add references from one project to another?

Add a reference In Solution Explorer, right-click on the References or Dependencies node and choose either Add Project Reference, Add Shared Project Reference, or Add COM Reference. (You can right-click the project node and select Add from the fly-out menu to choose from these options, too.)

Can I copy paste Visual Studio?

In addition to ctrl + shift + v you can use ctrl + shift + c to Merge-Copy. And ctrl + shift + x to Merge-Cut. Select clipboard to paste ( ctrl + alt + v ).

How do I change the project reference in Visual Studio?

Restart Visual Studio and open your app. Right-click on the References or Dependencies node in the project that caused the error and choose Add Reference.

1 Answers

Yes, you could use the Power Commands extension to copy and paste references in VS2010.

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Damyan Bogoev Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09

Damyan Bogoev