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Is it possible to constrain a generic type to be a subset of keyof in TypeScript?

In the current version (2.1) of TypeScript I can constrain a method argument on a generic class to be a property of the generic type.

class Foo<TEntity extends {[key:string]:any}> {
    public bar<K extends keyof TEntity>(key:K, value:TEntity[K]) { }

Is it possible in the current type system to constrain the key part even further to be a subset where the value of the key is of a certain type?

What I'm looking for is something along the lines of this psuedo code.

class Foo<TEntity extends {[key:string]:any}> {
    public updateText<K extends keyof TEntity where TEntity[K] extends string>(key:K, value:any) {
        this.model[key] = this.convertToText(value);


For clarification I added a more complete example of what I'm trying to achieve.

type object = { [key: string]: any };

class Form<T extends object> {
    private values: Partial<T> = {} as T;

    protected convert<K extends keyof T>(key: K, input: any, converter: (value: any) => T[K])
        this.values[key] = converter(input);

    protected convertText<K extends keyof T>(key: K, input: any)
        this.values[key] = this.convert(key, input, this.stringConverter);

    private stringConverter(value: any): string
        return String(value);

Demo on typescriptlang.org

convertText will give an error saying that Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'T[K]'.


interface Foo {
    s: string
    n: number

The compiler can tell that this will work

this.convert('s', 123, v => String(v));

and this will not

this.convert('n', 123, v => String(v));

I'm hoping I can constrain the convertText method to keys where the value is of type string to get type safety on the key parameter.

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opex Avatar asked Jan 17 '17 00:01


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1 Answers

It is possible (using a non-class example here). The following will ensure that T[P] is a string.

function convertText<T extends {[key in P]: string }, P extends keyof T>(data: T, field: P & keyof T) {
    // ...

The idea is to narrow the type of T to only the fields inferred in P and set the exact type you want, in this case string.


let obj = { foo: 'lorem', bar: 2 };
convertText(obj, 'foo');
convertText(obj, 'bar'); // fails with: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.
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altschuler Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 05:09
