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Is it possible to connect to Google Cloud Memorystore from another project?

I have 2 different projects (Project A and Project B) in the same region (Europe west 2). I've created one instance of Memorystore in project A. So, I'm able to connect to the Memorystore from project A, but I'm also trying to connect to the same Memorystore from project B with no success.

What I'm doing wrong? Is it even possible to connect multiple projects to the same basic Memorystore?

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Severin Alexandru Avatar asked Feb 15 '19 23:02

Severin Alexandru

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Memorystore is a fully managed in-memory data store service for Redis and Memcached at Google Cloud. Like any other Google Cloud service it is fast, scalable, highly available, and secure. It automates complex tasks of provisioning, replication, failover, and patching so you can spend more time on other activities!!

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1 Answers

No it's not possible. In the official documentation for Connecting to a Redis instance it states:

You can access Redis instances from Compute Engine VM instances, Google Kubernetes Engine clusters, and App Engine flexible environment applications within the same Google Cloud Platform project.

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TasosZG Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 01:10
