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Is it possible to check a condition after every method in a loop? If so, how?

Like I said in the title I have a loop in an RPG I'm making about High School. This is the main loop that sets up your day to act out individual sequences in chronological order. My question is how could I make it so that I check whether the boolean "beat" or the boolean "lost" (referring to the status of the game) has been tripped to true after every method in the loop but still keeping the methods together in a loop. Is nested if statements inside my while loop the only way?

while (!g.getBeat() || g.getLost()) 
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Metacomet10 Avatar asked Feb 22 '15 06:02


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1 Answers

You would have to do it manually. To help you write a little less code, make a method that checks both conditions:

private boolean stopTheLoop() {
    return g.getBeat() || g.getLost();

Now convert your loop to infinite with checks after each method:

while (true) {
    if (stopTheLoop()) break;
    if (stopTheLoop()) break;
    if (stopTheLoop()) break;
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Sergey Kalinichenko Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09

Sergey Kalinichenko