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Is it possible to change icons in Visual Studio 2015?

I've downloaded VS2015 CTP6 release.

Is there any way to replace VS2015 solution explorer's icons with VS2010 ones? :(

PS: yep, I hate new UI design ideology. My fav is Win7 Crystal style.=)

Solutions from here don't work

Is it possible to change icons in Visual Studio 2012?


like image 694
Ivan Kush Avatar asked Mar 25 '15 10:03

Ivan Kush

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How do I change the project icon in Visual Studio?

On the menu bar, choose Project > Properties. When the Project Designer appears, choose the Application tab. (Visual Basic)—In the Icon list, choose an icon (. ico) file.

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Color and icon themes - Visual Studio Tutorial To choose a color scheme, look under the Preferences menu here in the Code menu, and again if you're on Windows or Linux the Preferences menu will be under the file name. Select the Color Theme entry, and you'll see a pop up list of all the installed color themes.

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We can learn how to change the app icon in Android app, using Visual Studio 2015 Update 3. Click File--> Select New--> select Project. The project clicks after opening all the types of projects in Visual Studio. Click (Ctrl+Shift+N).

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Icon design 1 Overview. Visual Studio uses modern-style icons, which have clean geometry and a 50/50 balance of positive/negative (light/dark), and use direct, understandable metaphors. 2 Icon creation. Visual Studio has within its UI a wide variety of icon types. ... 3 Style details. ... 4 Production details. ... 5 Icon construction. ...

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The smallest icon size in Visual Studio is 16x16. The largest in common use is 32x32. Keep in mind not to fill up the entire 16x16, 24x24, or 32x32 frame when designing an icon.

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Color and accessibility. Visual Studio compliance guidelines require that all icons in the product pass the accessibility requirements for color and contrast. This is achieved through icon inversion, and when you are designing, you should be aware they will be inverted programmatically in the product.

1 Answers

You can change the Shortcut icon: https://visualstudioextensions.vlasovstudio.com/2015/12/02/on-changing-visual-studio-2015-icon/

If you want to customize the icon in Solution Explorer, you need to write a VS Extension.

like image 85
cSteusloff Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 07:10
