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Is it possible to catch / handle exceptions thrown from a Grails controller? Aop?

class MyController {
   def myAction = {
      throw new MyException("Test")

Is it possible to catch / handle the exception thrown by the code above? The following url-mapping kinda works, but it causes the exception to be logged, which is annoying because in my case I'm able to handle it.

"500"(controller: "error", action: 'myExceptionHandler', exception: MyException)

Why don't I wrap the code that might throw an exception in try / catch? Well I have several actions that might throw the same exception. Wrapping each and every one of them in try / catch violates the DRY-principle.

like image 836
Kimble Avatar asked Nov 19 '09 22:11


1 Answers

How about this awesome pattern.


class UrlMappings {
    static mappings = {
      "/$controller/$action?/$id?" {
          constraints { // apply constraints here  }
    "500"(controller:'system', action:'error')

class SystemController {
    def error = {
        // Grails has already set the response status to 500

        // Did the original controller set a exception handler?
        if (request.exceptionHandler) {
            if (request.exceptionHandler.call(request.exception)) {
            // Otherwise exceptionHandler did not want to handle it

class MyAjaxController {

    def beforeInterceptor = {
        request.exceptionHandler = { ex ->
            //Do stuff           
            return true

    def index = {
        assert false
like image 154
anders.norgaard Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
