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Is it possible to catch an exception you can't handle (in C#)?

I have a generic class that catches exceptions of T:

    public abstract class ErrorHandlingOperationInterceptor<T> : OperationInterceptor where T : ApiException
        private readonly Func<OperationResult> _resultFactory;

        protected ErrorHandlingOperationInterceptor(Func<OperationResult> resultFactory)
            _resultFactory = resultFactory;

        public override Func<IEnumerable<OutputMember>> RewriteOperation(Func<IEnumerable<OutputMember>> operationBuilder)
            return () =>
                    return operationBuilder();
                catch (T ex)
                    var operationResult = _resultFactory();
                    operationResult.ResponseResource = new ApiErrorResource { Exception = ex };
                    return operationResult.AsOutput();

With subclasses for specific exceptions e.g.

    public class BadRequestOperationInterceptor : ErrorHandlingOperationInterceptor<BadRequestException>
        public BadRequestOperationInterceptor() : base(() => new OperationResult.BadRequest()) { }

This all seems to work perfectly. But, somehow, in the logs (once, not every time) is an InvalidCastException:

System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'ErrorHandling.Exceptions.ApiException' to type 'ErrorHandling.Exceptions.UnexpectedInternalServerErrorException'.
   at OperationModel.Interceptors.ErrorHandlingOperationInterceptor`1.c__DisplayClass2.b__1() in c:\BuildAgent\work\da77ba20595a9d4\src\OperationModel\Interceptors\ErrorHandlingOperationInterceptor.cs:line 28

Line 28 is the catch.

What am I missing? Have I done something really dumb?

like image 657
grahamrhay Avatar asked Oct 28 '11 16:10


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Why can’t I throw exceptions in C++?

This is because some exceptions are not exceptions in a C++ context. This includes things like division by zero errors and others. It is possible to hack about and thus get the ability to throw exceptions when these errors happen, but it's not easy to do and certainly not easy to get right in a portable manner.

Is it better to catch the exception or not?

And either the exception happens or it doesn't. If it doesn't happen, catching the exception makes no difference but is a waste of effort. If it happens and nobody knows how to handle it and you catch it, there's no benefit coming from that - the only benefit would come from someone figuring out how to handle it.

How to handle exceptions with no catch block to handle it?

Throwing an exception with no catch block to handle it is when this exception occurs. The .NET Framework provides an easy mechanism to subscribe to every exception thrown in your code. This includes exceptions that are caught deep inside your code that never get surfaced anywhere.

1 Answers

As smithy said, your T is of type ApiErrorResource. You are, some where in your code, attempting to create your ErrorHandlingOperationInterceptor with an Exception that is NOT derived from ApiErrorResource.

// throw Exception of some sort
catch (BadRequestException ex)
    BadRequestOperationInterceptor broi = new BadRequestOperationInterceptor ();
catch (Exception ex)
    // this is NOT right
    BadRequestOperationInterceptor broi = new BadRequestOperationInterceptor ();
like image 120
Erik Philips Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 20:11

Erik Philips