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Is it possible to call a super setter in ES6 inherited classes?


I'm wondering if the following is in compliance with the ES6 spec:

class X {   constructor(name) {     this._name = name;   }    get name() {     return this._name;   }    set name(name) {     this._name = name + "X";   } }  class Y extends X {   constructor(name) {     super(name);   }    set name(name) {     super.name = name;     this._name += "Y";   } } 

The idea is that let y = new Y(""); y.name = "hi" should result in y.name === "hiXY" being true.

As far as I can tell, this doesn't work in Chrome with the ES6 flag turned on. It also doesn't work using Babel with the es2015 flag. Is using super.name = ... in an inherited setter not part of the ES6 spec? Or is this a bug in the implementation of Babel?

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TAGraves Avatar asked Dec 24 '15 17:12


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1 Answers

class Y extends X {   constructor(name) {     super(name);   }    set name(name) {     super.name = name;     this._name += "Y";   } } 

will override the name properly with an accessor for just the setter, with no getter. That means your y.name === "hiXY" will fail because y.name will return undefined because there is no getter for name. You need:

class Y extends X {   constructor(name) {     super(name);   }    get name(){     return super.name;   }    set name(name) {     super.name = name;     this._name += "Y";   } } 
like image 99
loganfsmyth Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 16:10
