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Is it possible to cache custom sql queries in Rails?

In the home_controller of my Rails 4 app, I perform a custom sql query and save the results to an instance variable

@studentscoring = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute sql_string_student

I then, after setting caching to true in config development config.action_controller.perform_caching = true and restarting the application, set up caching around the relevant variable in the view.

  <% cache @studentscoring do%>
    <% for lawyer in @studentscoring  %>
    <div class="span2">
      <div class="row">
        <%=  tiny_gravatar_for lawyer['name'], lawyer['email'] %>

      ...... #code ommitted

    <% end %>
    <% end %>

Refreshing the browser three times shows that the query is run three separate times and the last run of the query actually takes .7ms longer than the first, so I'm assuming caching is not working or I'm not doing it correctly :). Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Not being an expert by any standards, I don't understand how caching can be triggered from the view with the <% cache ... do %> syntax, since by the time the view is loading haven't the controller queries already been run, therefore it's too late to tell Rails to use a cached copy?

from the server logs...


 (1.1ms)  with cte_scoring as (
 users.id, users.name, users.email,
 (select Coalesce(sum(value),0) from answer_votes where (answer_votes.user_id = users.id) AND (created_at >= Current_Date - interval '7 day')) +
 (select Coalesce(sum(value),0) from best_answers where (best_answers.user_id = users.id) AND (created_at >= Current_Date - interval '7 day')) +
 (select Coalesce(sum(value),0) from contributions where (contributions.user_id = users.id) AND (created_at >= Current_Date - interval '7 day')) total_score
 users.student = 'true') 

select id,
from cte_scoring
order by total_score desc
limit 5 


  (1.8ms)  with cte_scoring as (
 users.id, users.name, users.email,
 (select Coalesce(sum(value),0) from answer_votes where (answer_votes.user_id = users.id) AND (created_at >= Current_Date - interval '7 day')) +
 (select Coalesce(sum(value),0) from best_answers where (best_answers.user_id = users.id) AND (created_at >= Current_Date - interval '7 day')) +
 (select Coalesce(sum(value),0) from contributions where (contributions.user_id = users.id) AND (created_at >= Current_Date - interval '7 day')) total_score
 users.student = 'true') 

select id,
from cte_scoring
order by total_score desc
limit 5 


The logs show that it is reading a fragment (after the queries above are run), so why would the queries have different times and the later query be slower? I would have thought the queries wouldn't be run at all if there was a fragment to read from.

Read fragment views/id/75/name/Retarded Student/email/[email protected]/total_score/0/id/83/name/Jim Beam/email/[email protected]/total_score/0/id/79/name/Weird Student/email/[email protected]/total_score/0/id/80/name/VegetableSTudent/email/[email protected]/total_score/0/c9638e467bfd0fbf5b619ab411182256 (0.3ms)
like image 217
Leahcim Avatar asked Jun 09 '13 15:06


People also ask

How does Rails query cache work?

Query caching is a Rails feature that caches the result set returned by each query. If Rails encounters the same query again for that request, it will use the cached result set as opposed to running the query against the database again.

Are SQL queries cached?

Every query requires a query plan before it is actually executed. This query plan is stored in SQL Server query plan cache. This way when that query is run again, SQL Server doesn't need to create another query plan; rather it uses the cached query plan which improved database performance.

How do you cache a query?

You can create a Cached Query right from the Explorer. To cache a query, go ahead and save the query first. Fig 1: Press the button to "Save" the query. Then, to cache your most important queries select the “Enable Caching” checkbox and enter a refresh rate.

Should you cache database queries?

In-memory data caching can be one of the most effective strategies to improve your overall application performance and to reduce your database costs. Caching can be applied to any type of database including relational databases such as Amazon RDS or NoSQL databases such as Amazon DynamoDB, MongoDB and Apache Cassandra.

1 Answers

Cache the query results in your controller. You can read or write back to the cache in one call (that is, set the data in the cache if it does not already exist)

def index
  @studentscoring = Rails.cache.fetch("your_cache_key", :expires_in => 5.minutes) do

So the above will first check the cache for "your_cache_key" and if the data exists will return it from the cache. If it does not exist than the block will execute and it will be set in the cache

like image 160
Cody Caughlan Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 10:10

Cody Caughlan