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Is it possible to be informed when clipboard content changes outside of java

The thing I would want to do is that when the user copies a text in any program (firefox, notepad, pdfReader etc.) my already running java application shall be informed and immediately shows a popup.

I think in order to be able to do this my java application should be invoked whenever system clipboard is changes.

Is that possible with java, if so in which version? I know we can reach and manipulate system clipboard content but my specific question is about invoking the java app. when clipboard content changes.


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dds Avatar asked Jan 26 '11 09:01


People also ask

Can Java read clipboard?

The system clipboard can be accessed by calling Toolkit. getDefaultToolkit(). getSystemClipboard(). You can use this technique if you are interested in exchanging data between your application and other applications (Java or non-Java) running on the system.

How do I access clipboard in Java?

To access the general system clipboard, use the following code: Clipboard clipboard = Clipboard. getSystemClipboard();

What is System clipboard in Java?

A class that implements a mechanism to transfer data using cut/copy/paste operations. FlavorListener s may be registered on an instance of the Clipboard class to be notified about changes to the set of DataFlavor s available on this clipboard (see addFlavorListener(java. awt.

1 Answers

I would have naively pretended it's a job for JDIC, but the interwebz told me the truth. So, let me explain a little.

using Toolkit.getSystemClipboard(), you can get access to the native system clipboard. Like any Java object, this clipboard can be listened. Precisely, you can call Clipboard.addFlavorListener(...) to listen to FlavorEvents. What are they ? They're the metal kings ! .... no no no, I completely and utterly digress. Let me come back. So, a FlavorEvent, according to the doc, indicates that

that available DataFlavors have changed in the Clipboard (the event source).

Which may means that Clipboard content has changed. However, I would not go directly on it without a first prototype.

EDIT Example of a prototype from the fingers of AlexR

import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.datatransfer.FlavorEvent;
import java.awt.datatransfer.FlavorListener;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { 
        Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().addFlavorListener(new FlavorListener() { 
            public void flavorsChanged(FlavorEvent e) { 
                System.out.println("changed!!! " + e.getSource() + " " + e.toString()); 
like image 87
Riduidel Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 01:10
