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Is it possible to adjust a font's vertical scaling using CSS?

I am using an embedded font for the top navigational elements on a site Helvetica65 and at 16px it is the perfect WIDTH but I need it to be about 90% of it's current height.

In Photoshop, the solution is simple - adjust the vertical scaling.

Is there a way to do essentially the same thing using CSS? And if so, how well is it supported?

Here is a jsFiddle of the basic nav coding.

like image 751
Cynthia Avatar asked Aug 07 '12 05:08


People also ask

How do I stretch a font vertically in CSS?

use CSS transform:scaleY(yValue) to stretch it vertically, on the Y axis. This might pixelate the text in some browsers. An alternative is to use SVG text, then apply transform="scale(0, yValue)" attribute, which will not pixelate (it's a vector!).

How do I automatically adjust font size in CSS?

Syntax: font-size-adjust: number|none|initial|inherit; Below are the examples that illustrates the use of font-size-adjust property.

How do I scale down font size in CSS?

Using em Units A more suitable CSS unit for font sizes is the em. The em is a scalable unit, 1em is equal to the current font size; so if the parent's font size is 16px, 1em is 16px and 2em is 32px. The important thing to remember is that the em unit is relative to its parent.

Which CSS property lets you adjust the size of the text?

The font-size-adjust property in CSS is used to adjusts the font size based on the height of lowercase rather than capital letters and gives the better control of the font size. It is very useful when the text has given multiple styles and has adjust the font while changing in between those styles.

1 Answers

transform property can be used to scale text:

.menu li a {   color: #ffffff;   text-transform: uppercase;   text-decoration: none;   font-family: "HelveticaNeue-Medium", sans-serif;   font-size: 14px;   display: inline-block;   transform: scale(1, 1.5);   -webkit-transform: scale(1, 1.5); /* Safari and Chrome */   -moz-transform: scale(1, 1.5); /* Firefox */   -ms-transform: scale(1, 1.5); /* IE 9+ */   -o-transform: scale(1, 1.5); /* Opera */ } 
like image 108
way2vin Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09
