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Is it possible to add CHECK constraint with fluent API in EF7?

Is it possible to add CHECK constraint with fluent API in Entity Framework 7?

I need to acheive something like this:

ADD CONSTRAINT CK_SomeTable_SomeColumn CHECK (SomeColumn >= X);

It is ok if solution is provider-specific - I am targeting MsSqlServer only (at least now).

like image 717
rtf_leg Avatar asked Dec 12 '15 21:12


1 Answers

As of EF Core 3.0, you can use

protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
    modelBuilder.Entity<SomeTable>(entity =>
        entity.HasCheckConstraint("CK_SomeTable_SomeColumn", "[SomeColumn] >= X");
like image 168
Ryan Sparks Avatar answered Feb 01 '23 09:02

Ryan Sparks