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Is it possible, in Javascript, to add a style property twice to an element?

Given a HTML Element object, is it possible to add the same style property twice to it without having to resort to string manipulation?

Consider the following examples:

<div style="width: 90%; width: calc(100% - 5em);"></div>
<h1 style="font-weight: bold; font-weight: 800;"></h1>
<p style="color: #cccccc; color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);"></p>

As far as I can tell, setting styles through the .style property (e.g. element.style.color = "blue") or the .style.setProperty method (e.g. element.style.setProperty("color", "blue")) overwrites existing style properties instead of appending them.

Having multiple definitions of the same property allows us to take advantage of the cascading nature of CSS, letting us use more modern CSS property values when they're available while gracefully falling back to "good-enough" values where more recent additions are not supported. However, the only way I can see to do something like this is through manual string manipulation.

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Marcus Harrison Avatar asked Oct 19 '22 00:10

Marcus Harrison

2 Answers

What you want to do is not possible unless you use some custom javascript function.

I guess this is because of the way CSS specificity works.

Specificity is the means by which browsers decide which CSS property values are the most relevant to an element and, therefore, will be applied. When specificity is equal to any of the multiple declarations, the last declaration found in the CSS is applied to the element. Specificity only applies when the same element is targeted by multiple declarations. Source: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Specificity

So when you add the same property twice in the style attribute, the second one will be applied due to specificity. Knowing this the 'logical' behaviour for Javascript when you set properties with .style.setProperty("propertyName", "propertyValue") or element.style.propertyName = "propertyValue". is to overwrite the same property if it already exists, instead of adding a new one.

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Pim Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 04:11


There are a lot of ways to accomplish the task you mentioned in your question. (Still wondering where is the special case though).

The cleanest being probably by using classes, directly in your CSS file.
An other one being by appending a <style> element with your dynamically created rules in the document.
You could even append new rules to the current document.styleSheets.

But I'll only focus on the premise of your question.

  • Firstly, to get the exact same markup as in your code blocks, you can simply use element.setAttribute('style', 'prop1: val1; prop1:val2; prop1:val3').
    The same rules as if it was already there will apply.

  • Secondly, setting an invalid value to an element's style property through js will be ignored, just like it is in CSS.

document.body.style.backgroundImage = 'url("http://fakeserver.com/myGradientFallback.png")';
document.body.style.backgroundImage = 'linear-gradient(to right, #499bea 0%,#ff51fc 53%,#207ce5 100%)';
document.body.style.backgroundImage = 'awesome-property-that-your-browser-doesnt-support-yet(100%)';

So you can be safe using just the same cascading as CSS does from your js scripts.

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Kaiido Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 04:11
