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Is it possible broadcast audio with screensharing with WebRTC

is it possible broadcast audio with screensharing with WebRTC? Simple calling getUserMedia with audio: true fails by permission denied error. Is there any workeround which could be used to broadcast audio also? Will be audio implemented beside screensharing?


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Ivo Pavlik Avatar asked Oct 15 '13 13:10

Ivo Pavlik

People also ask

How do I stop a screen share in WebRTC?

If you want to stop a MediaStream you should stop and close it's tracks. Thwn doing this the "Chrome bar" you mention will disapear once all tracks bound to the shared screen are stopped.

1 Answers

As of May 2020

To share the audio track of the screen share you can use getDisplayMedia instead of getUserMedia. Docs.

navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({audio: true, video: true})

This is currently only supported in Chrome / Edge and it is only supported when using the "Chrome Tab" sharing option. You'll see a checkmark for Share audio in the dialog box.

enter image description here

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diasks2 Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 04:09
