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Is it okay to do all these jQuery things to a React.js DOM tree?

I recently started using React and Flux for a project of mine, and I'm using jQuery too, for some parts of the GUI. Via jQuery, I sometimes add CSS classes and styles and even DOM nodes to elements created and updated by React. This seems to work just fine. React doesn't complain, and, when render() re-runs, React doesn't modify the classes and styles and the DOM nodes that has been added somewhere deep inside a react root.

  • Can I rely on React ignoring DOM nodes I've added side by side with React DOM nodes inside a React tree? — I understand that the non-React nodes will be removed, if React decides to remove the node into which I inserted them. This is fine with me. But I do wonder if React some day in the future will get upset on these additional nodes not managed by React, and refuse to work?

  • If React doesn't manage any styles of a DOM node (I haven't added any style attribute to the nodes generated by render()), then can I via jQuery safely add my own styles to this DOM node? E.g. look up a node by #id in jQuery and then set its width.

  • If there's no className on a DOM node generated by React, can I then safely via jQuery add and remove classes to this node? (For example, add a class on mouse hover.)

One reason I'm currently doing these possibly weird things, is that I have some jQuery soup legacy code that I don't want to port to React right now. Another is that I'm using some jQuery plugins that sometimes add DOM nodes inside the React tree.

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KajMagnus Avatar asked Dec 25 '14 10:12


1 Answers

That sounds fine, but there are some rules you need to follow (and you can only use plugins that follow these rules):

  • don't remove/replace/move any nodes React creates
  • don't create siblings to React nodes, especially between or before react nodes
  • do create nodes, add event listeners, modify dom in componentDidMount and/or componentDidUpdate
  • do remove nodes, remove event listeners, in componentWillUnmount
  • do create and append nodes manually in componentDidMount to pass to jQuery plugins
  • don't modify DOM outside of react components
  • do pass a callback to setState (argument 2) to do something after react updates it (but prefer componentDidUpdate)

For manually mounted React components (via React.render)

  • don't mount a react component as a child of a plugin controlled element with no lifecycle hooks
  • do use React.unmountComponentAtNode to clean up React components before removing their parent from the DOM
  • do pass a callback to React.render (argument 3) if you must do something after the component is mounted

Please edit the question if I missed anything, or included a rule you feel is invalid.

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Brigand Avatar answered Nov 29 '22 09:11
