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Is it ok to use SHA1 hash of password as a salt when deriving encryption key and IV from password string?

I'm using Rfc2898DeriveBytes to securely generate encryption key and initialization vector from user-supplied string password, to use with symmetric encryption (e.g. AesManaged).

I'm taking the SHA1 hash of password as a salt parameter to Rfc2898DeriveBytes. Is that ok? If not, then where should I get the salt from? I will need the same salt when decrypting, right? So I have to store it somewhere unencrypted - unsecured. If I have to store it securely, then it just becomes another "password", isn't it?

void SecureDeriveKeyAndIvFromPassword(string password, int iterations, 
    int keySize, int ivSize, out byte[] key, out byte[] iv)
    // Generate the salt from password:

    byte[] salt = (new SHA1Managed()).ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password));

    // Derive key and IV bytes from password:

    Rfc2898DeriveBytes derivedBytes = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, salt, iterations);

    key = derivedBytes.GetBytes(keySize);
    iv = derivedBytes.GetBytes(ivSize);

I've seen using the constant (hard-coded) salt, and I've seen people complaining about it. I thought deriving salt from password would be the better idea, but I'm not sure this is an optimal solution.

Shortly, I have a file that needs to be encrypted, and password string input by user. How do I properly use Rfc2898DeriveBytes to derive secure encryption key and IV?



Thanks for your answers. I now understand that the main (maybe only?) purpose of salt is to make generation of rainbow tables impossible - you can't pre-generate the hash of "P@$$w0rd" because it will have a different hash for each possible salt value. I understand this perfectly, BUT... Is this really relevant to symmetric encryption? I'm not storing the hash anywhere right? So even if the attacker has the rainbow table for all possible password combinations, he can't do much, right?

So, my question now is: Is there any advantage of using the random salt in each encryption operation, compared to using password-derived (or even hard-coded) salt, when used with symmetric encryption algorithms (like AesManaged of .NET)?

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TX_ Avatar asked Sep 21 '12 11:09


3 Answers

A salt should be unique for each password, that means create a random password for every password you want to hash. The salt is not a secret and can be stored plain text with your calculated hash-value.

The idea of the salt is, that an attacker cannot use a prebuilt rainbowtable, to get the passwords. He would have to build such a rainbowtable for every password separately, and this doesn't make sense. It's easier to brute-force, until you found a match.

There is an example in MSDN where the salt is gotten from the random source of the operating system. This is the best you can do, to get a safe salt, do not derrive it from your password.

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martinstoeckli Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 15:11


A salt is designed to protect against multi-target attacks by making each target behave differently. Rainbow tables are just one particular incarnation of multi-target attacks, where the computational effort is expended before you obtain the targets.

There are situations where multi-target attacks are applicable, but rainbow tables are not.

One example of this: Assume you're using an authenticated encryption scheme with semantic security, such as AES-GCM with unique nonces. Now you've obtained a million different messages encrypted using different password.

If you use no salt, to check if a password applies to any one of these, the attacker needs one KDF operation, and one million decryption operations. If you use a salt, the attacker needs one million KDF operations and one million decryption operations. Since the KDF is slow compared to the decryption, an attack against the first scheme is much faster than an attack on the second scheme.

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CodesInChaos Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 14:11


I don't really know what is Rfc2898DeriveBytes but I can tell you the following: salt doesn't has to be secured. Now, you said you have seen people complaining about hard-coded, constant values for salt, and whoever said that is right. Salt should be a random value, never a constant one, otherwise its purpose is defeated.

Do you understand what salt is used for? You clearly don't. Using the hash as salt is a bad idea because password X will always be salted with the same value Y, again, defeating its purpose.

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João Fernandes Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 15:11

João Fernandes