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Is it OK if Flutter app in Xcode's archive is named Runner?



After following the instructions on https://flutter.dev/docs/deployment/ios I came to the point, where I create app archive in Xcode (Xcode: Product > Archive). My app in archive is named Runner, although this is not its name.

Is this expected in Flutter or should app in archive be named according to its Display Name?

like image 813
MayJ Avatar asked Apr 10 '19 18:04


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1 Answers

It is expected, nothing to worry about, just like when you build the release version for Android, you get the apk file name as app-releases.apk, similarly you get Runner.ipa for iOS and it doesn't mean your app named got changed. It is there in the bundle.

So, you are good and everything is OK.

like image 80
CopsOnRoad Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 01:10
