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Is it legal to use WhatsAPI? [closed]



Is it legal to send messages through Whats App using https://github.com/venomous0x/WhatsAPI?

I want to send reminders and notificiations using an application.

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Chris Avatar asked Jan 25 '13 11:01


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We ban accounts if we believe the account activity violates our Terms of Service, for example if it involves spam, scams or if it puts WhatsApp users' safety at risk. If you think your account was banned by mistake, please email us or tap request a review in the app and we'll look into your case.

Is banned from using WhatsApp contact support for help cancel?

If you become banned, you'll receive the following message within the WhatsApp Business app: Your phone number is banned from using WhatsApp. Contact support for help. Be aware that we ban accounts if we believe the account activity is in violation of our Terms of Service.

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Only five countries in the world have banned WhatsApp in some capacity: China, North Korea, Syria, Qatar and the UAE. Most of those countries ban WhatsApp for security and political reasons, while others want to promote local telecommunication companies.

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Your phone number is banned from using WhatsApp WhatsApp bans accounts in two ways of Ban, Temporary and permanent. Temporary Ban is generally for 8 or 24 hours while permanent Ban is as the name suggests, permanent.

1 Answers

To answer your specific question: yes, it is legal to use WhatsAPI.

Now for the story, it looks like the initial threats from Whats App to sue WhatsAPI were caused by people using the service for spam, and as such WhatsAPI got a cease and desist letter from WhatsApp lawyer.

From what I could gather on their Github, the came to an arrangement with WhatsApp, and as such they will not sue WhatsApi if they respect their network. So on September 29th, the put back the source code online:

Development to be resumed, let's pretend that nothing was happened. 

For a more detailed history of what exactly happened I would suggest to look here.

What that means in the end is that it's up to you to be a good citizen and not abuse the service, otherwise you might end up having your account blocked or worse. But if you don't play the spammer game, from what I see you should be fine.

Note that from what I've seen, Whats App seems to have made changes recently with their password system, and I've seen a few messages in the Github issues saying that they can't connect, so you should take a look at this post from one of the devs.

Remember, don't abuse the system and you'll be fine !

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Charles Menguy Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 15:09

Charles Menguy