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Is it legal to modify the result of std::string::op[]?


Consider the following from C++11:

[C++11: 21.4.5]: basic_string element access                           [string.access]

const_reference operator[](size_type pos) const; reference       operator[](size_type pos); 

1     Requires: pos <= size().

2     Returns: *(begin() + pos) if pos < size(), otherwise a reference to an object of type T with value charT(); the referenced value shall not be modified.

3     Throws: Nothing.

4     Complexity: constant time.

This means either:

  • The referenced value in the pos == size() case shall not be modified, or
  • In any case, the referenced value returned by op[] shall not be modified, even for the non-const overload.

The second scenario seems completely ridiculous, but I think it's what the wording most strongly implies.

Can we modify what we get from std::string::op[], or not? And is this not rather ambiguous wording?

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Lightness Races in Orbit Avatar asked Oct 14 '11 10:10

Lightness Races in Orbit

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2 Answers

The quote means that you cannot modify the return of operator[]( size() ), even if the value is well defined. That is, you must not modify the NUL terminator in the string even through the non-const overload.

This is basically your first option: i.e. pos >= size(), but because of the requirement pos <= size() the only possible value for that condition is pos == size().

The actual English description of the clause can be ambiguous (at least to me), but Appendix C, and in particular C.2.11 deals with changes in semantics in the string library, and there is no mention to this change --that would break user code. In C++03 the "referenced value shall not be modified" bit is not present and there is no ambiguity. The lack of mention in C.2.11 is not normative, but can be used as a hint that when they wrote the standard there was no intention on changing this particular behavior.

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David Rodríguez - dribeas Avatar answered Feb 07 '23 06:02

David Rodríguez - dribeas

In n3690 (C++14 draft), the wording has been changed to:

Returns: *(begin() + pos) if pos < size(). Otherwise, returns a reference to an object of type charT with value charT(), where modifying the object leads to undefined behavior.

I believe that this resolves the English ambiguity, and makes clear the intent of the original, ambiguous C++11 passage.

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Lightness Races in Orbit Avatar answered Feb 07 '23 06:02

Lightness Races in Orbit