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Is it guaranteed by the C++ standard that cin, cout, etc. will be created first and destroyed last?





cin, cout, basic streams related - is it guaranteed anywhere in the standard that these obejcts will be created first and destroyed last?

It would implicate that non-local static objects can rely on them in their constructors and destructors (no ctor race between these objects and the basic streams).

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hauron Avatar asked Nov 21 '14 11:11


2 Answers

They are guaranteed to be created before any static object declared after including <iostream> and, in any case, before starting main. They are not destroyed during program execution.

Including the header has the effect of declaring a static variable of type ios_base::Init, whose creation ensures that the standard streams are initialised.

If you want the Standardese for this:

C++11 27.4.1 [iostream.objects.overview]/2: The objects are constructed and the associations are established at some time prior to or during the first time an object of class ios_base::Init is constructed, and in any case before the body of main begins execution. The objects are not destroyed during program execution. The results of including <iostream> in a translation unit shall be as if <iostream> defined an instance of ios_base::Init with static storage duration. Similarly, the entire program shall behave as if there were at least one instance of ios_base::Init with static storage duration.

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Mike Seymour Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09

Mike Seymour

The simple answer to your question is no. As others have pointed out, there are guarantees for objects defined in translation units including <iostream>, at least if the object is defined after the inclusion. But this doesn't always help: you include <iostream> in the translation unit which defines the constructor, not necessarily in the one which defines the static variable. So cases like the following are possible:


class X


#include "file1.hh"
#include <iostream>

    std::cout << "Coucou, me voila!" << std::endl;


#include "file1.hh"

X anX;

In this case, it's quite possible that the constructor of anX be called before std::cout is constructed.

To be on the safe side: if the constructor of an object which might be used as a static variable wants to use any of the standard streams, it should probably declare a local static of type ios_base::Init:

    static ios_base::Init dummyForInitialization;
    std::cout << "Coucou, me voila!" << std::endl;

If std::cout wasn't already constructed when this constructor is called, it will be when the static variable is constructed.

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James Kanze Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09

James Kanze