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Is it common practice to symbolic link to the GOPATH folder?




My git projects are stored here:

~/dev/git/project1 ...

I am starting a golang project, and since it requires using the GOPATH is it common practise to create a symbolic link from my projects git path to GOPATH?

like image 983
cool breeze Avatar asked Apr 13 '16 19:04

cool breeze

People also ask

Can a symbolic link point to a directory?

A symbolic link, also known as a soft link or symlink, is a special file pointing to another file or directory using an absolute or relative path. Symbolic links are similar to shortcuts in Windows and are useful when you need quick access to files or folders with long paths.

Why would you use a symbolic link?

A symbolic link creates a file in your directory and acts as a shortcut to a file or folder. For example: I have a directory- let's say example.com. However, I want a shortcut to another directory within the example.com. To do this, you would create a symbolic link.

Can symbolic links point to files that don't exist?

A symbolic link points to a file. In case, the original file is deleted, the symbolic link would be pointing to non-existing file. You can create a symbolic link to a directory too.

How do I find a symbolic link in a folder?

ls command to find a symbolic link in UNIX systems If you combine the output of the ls command with grep and use a regular expression to find all entries which start with a small L then you can easily find all soft links on any directories.

2 Answers

Because of dependency issues between packages, symlinking was used for the GOPATH. The structure of GOPATH, however, always suggested that it was to be used for multiple projects and symlinking your GOPATH has been discouraged by the go developers.

In the latest version (1.6), however, they finalised a solution to the dependency problem (experimentally introduced in 1.5), in the form of a folder named vendor/ placed at top level of your package (link). This folder will be searched before the regular GOPATH for package used by import statement.

There are various tools to use to streamline the dependency process like godep or glide, making using the vendor/ folder a lot less time-consuming than symlinking the GOPATH. Using a vendor package is also better reproducible than symlinked dependencies, ensuring your package will work for everyone.

So I would encourage you not to symlink your GOPATH, and use this newly introduced standard.

like image 52
Dekker1 Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 10:10


What I end up doing is instead created my own GOPATH within a go project I want to keep isolated to my normal global $GOPATH.

I make a 'b' script (at the root folder of the project) which:

  • check if src exists (in the project folder, here in ~/dev/git/project1): if not it creates it;
  • check if src/mypackage exists: if not, if creates the symbolic link src/mypackage -> ~/dev/git/project1.
  • is called with an alias: alias b='. ./b'

That way, the same 'b' (short for 'build') goes into ~/dev/git/project1/src/mypackage, and does a go install.
If you have a main package, that will create a binary in ~/dev/git/project1/bin.

That way, each of my go project remains autonomous, not lost in a sea of other go packages in my normal $GOPATH/src. I reserve the global $GOPATH for global projects that helps me to develop in go: golang.org/x/tools/cmd/..., github.com/fzipp/gocyclo and the likes (other linters).

In other words, I do not symlink GOPATH.
I do symlink my package inside my project to a local GOPATH (local to said project), but the GOPATH itself is a fixed folder (again specific to my project), defined as usual, without any symlink)

And that is perfectly compatible with the vendor folder for vendoring source dependencies.

alias b='. ./b'
cd /path/to/my/project

if [ ! -e src ]; then mkdir src ; fi
if [ ! -e src/myproject ]; then ln -s /path/to/my/project src/myproject; fi
cd src/myproject
go install
cd ../..
like image 1
VonC Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 10:10
