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Is it a good practice to use nested exceptions?

This is probably a broad question, not quite SO style, but I'd still like to get some hints or guidelines if possible.

I've been looking through some legacy code and found a part of it that has methods with exceptions nested 3 or 4 levels down.
Is this considered to be a normal practice or should one avoid such codestyle where possible? If it should be avoided, what are the negative effects besides the increasing costs of exception handling and decreasing readability? Are there common ways of refactoring the code to avoid this?

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svz Avatar asked Dec 22 '12 08:12


People also ask

Is using nested try-catch bad practice?

I actually don't think there's anything inherently wrong about nested Try / Catch blocks, except that they can be difficult to navigate and are likely a sign that you could do some refactoring (the inner Try / Catch into its own method, for example).

Is it good practice to throw exception?

The short answer is NO. You would throw an exception if the application can't continue executing with the bad data. In your example, the logic is to display an error message on the front end and Option 2 is the cleaner method for achieving this requirement.

2 Answers

I personally prefer the following ideology

Wrap Alien Exceptions

An "alien" exception is an exception thrown by a Java API or a third party library. In other words, an exception you do not control.

Its better to catch all alien exceptions and wrap them in an appropriate application specific exception. Once the alien exception is converted to your own exception, you can propagate that exception any way you like.

Rethrowing Checked Exceptions can get Messy

If your application uses checked exceptions, rethrowing the original exception means that the method rethrowing it must also declare it.

The closer you get to the top of the call hierarchy, the more exceptions will be declared thrown. Unless you just declare all your methods to throw Exception. However, if you do so you might as well use unchecked exceptions, since you are not really getting any benefit from the compiler exception checking anyways.

This is why I prefer to catch non-application specific exceptions and wrap them in an application specific exception, before propagating them up the call stack.

Guidelines For Wrapping : The context in which an exception occurs may be just as important as the location of the exception itself. A given location in the application may be reachable via different execution paths, and the execution path may influence the severity and cause of the error, if it occurs.

If you need to add context information to an exception as you propagate it up the call stack, you need to use active propagation. In other words, you need to catch the exception in various relevant locations on the way up the call stack, and add the relevant context information to it, before rethrowing or wrapping it.

public void doSomething() throws SomeException{



    } catch (SomeException e){

       e.addContextInformation(“more info”);
       throw e;  //throw e, or wrap it – see next line.

       //throw new WrappingException(e, “more information”);

    } finally {
       //clean up – close open resources etc.

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Rahul Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 17:10


Checked Exceptions should not be propagated up the stack or chained if possible. If a method is throwing a checked Exception its caller is supposed to handle it, if caller is not handling it and propagating it to its caller, then overall complexity increases.

In a three layered example : Dao , Service , Controller

DAO layer will throw DAOException Service layer should not expose DAOException to Controller , instead it should be throwing relevant BuinessExceptions, which the Controller should be handling.

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Subin Sebastian Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 16:10

Subin Sebastian