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Is it a best practice to drop the temp table after using it, in addition to before creating the temp table?

I have a stored proc that creates a temp table. It is only needed for the scope of this stored proc, and no where else.

When I use temp tables list this, I always check to see if the temp table exists, and drop it if it does, before creating it in the stored proc. I.e.:

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#task_role_order') IS NOT NULL    
        DROP TABLE #task_role_order        
CREATE TABLE #task_role_order(...)

Most of the time, is it a best practice to drop the temp table when done with it, in addition to before creating the temp table?

If more context is needed, I have a .NET Web API back end that calls stored procs in the database. I believe that SQL server drops the temp table when the SQL Server session ends. But I don't know if .NET opens a new SQL Server session each time it queries the database, or only once per application lifecycle, etc.

I've read this similar question, but thought that it was slightly different.

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Hoppe Avatar asked Mar 06 '15 18:03


People also ask

Should you drop temporary tables?

If you are wondering why it is not required to drop the temp table at the end of the stored procedure, well, it is because when the stored procedure completes execution, it automatically drops the temp table when the connection/session is dropped which was executing it.

When can you drop temp table?

Temp tables are automatically dropped as soon as they go out of scope (the proc that they were created in completes) or the connection that created them closes.

What happens if temp table is not dropped?

If I'm not mistaken, #temp table are implicitly dropped at the end of the stored procedure regardless of whether or not you explicitly drop it. ##temp tables (global ones) must be explicitly dropped. You could always reboot SQL Server, because that deletes the tempdb and rebuilds it on SQL Server start.

How do I drop a temp table?

In SQL Server, we can use the OBJECT_ID function to get the table name of the temporary table, and if the table is found, we can use the DROP TABLE statement to drop the temp table in sql. Another method we learned is to use the DROP TABLE IF EXISTS statement.

2 Answers

Usually, it is considered a good practice to free up resource as long as you don't need it anymore. So I'd add DROP TABLE at the end of stored procedure.

Temporary table lives as long as connection lives. Usually, applications use connection pooling (it is configurable) and connection doesn't close when you call Connection.Close. Before connection re-usage, client executes special stored procedure (sp_reset_connection) which does all clean-up tasks. So temp tables will be dropped in any case, but sometimes after some delay.

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Alsin Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11


It's very unlikely to be of much impact, but if I had to choose I would do neither. Temporary tables are accessible via nested stored procedures, so unless you have a specific need to pass data between procedures, not doing either will help avoid contention if you happen to use the same name, call a procedure recursively, in a circular manner (and it is valid), or you have another procedure that happens to use the same name and columns. Dropping it out of practice could hide some weird logic errors.

For example Proc A creates temporary table, then calls B. B drops and creates the table. Now either Proc A now is referencing the temporary table created, or since Proc A is not nested inside B, Proc A mysteriously fails. It would be better to have proc B fail when it tries to create the temp table.

At the end of the day SQL Server will clean these up, but it won't stop you from leaking between nested procedures.

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Necreaux Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 19:11
