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Is ip::tcp::socket.close() thread safe?

If there is a async_read on the socket ongoing, there should be a internal thread of io_service checking the status of the socket. Is it safe to call socket.close() from another thread (maybe when it is running a separate handler of the io_service)?

I mean even I can guarantee that my handlers will not use the asio socket concurrently, is it good enough (when taking the internal threads of io_service into consideration)?

Update: I am using async_read in a stackful coroutine. Quite similar to the example at the bottom of this doc, except that mine has an extra layer of function calling with the yield_context. If I dispatch the socket.close() operation in my_strand in that example, is the whole thing thread safe? In another word, will all concerned operations (async_read, intermediate async_read_some, implicit handlers of the stackful coroutine, socket.close()) run through a single strand my_strand?

like image 947
updogliu Avatar asked Feb 01 '14 17:02


1 Answers

In general, it is unsafe to make concurrent calls to the same socket object1. The async_read() composed operation is composed of zero or more intermediate async_read_some() operations. These intermediate operations are only initiated in threads that are currently calling io_service::run(). The internal threads are fairly transparent, and none of the threads listed in the Platform-Specific Implementation Notes will present a problem.


  • If a single thread is invoking io_service::run() and socket.close() is invoked from within a handler, then it is safe as there is no possibility of concurrent execution. The documentation refers to this as an implicit strand.
  • If a single thread is invoking io_service::run() and socket.close() is invoked from outside of a handler, then it is unsafe, as socket may have two concurrent calls: close() from outside of the io_service and async_read_some() from a thread that is currently calling io_service::run(). To make it thread safe, post a handler into the io_service that invokes socket.close().
  • If multiple threads are invoking io_service::run(), then an explicit strand is required to guarantee thread safety. The async_read() needs to be initiated from within a strand, and its completion handler must also be wrapped by the same strand. Furthermore, socket.close() should be dispatched through the strand.

For stackful coroutines, using the spawn() overload that accepts a strand will execute the provided function within the context of the strand. Furthermore, when the yield_context object is passed as the handler to asynchronous operations, the handlers, including intermediate handlers from composed operations, are invoked within the context of the strand. Hence, to ensure thread safety, socket.close() must either be:

  • invoked within the coroutine:

    // The lambda will execute within the context of my_strand.
      [socket&](boost::asio::yield_context yield)
        // In my_strand.
        // ...
        // The socket.async_read_some() operations that composed async_read()
        // will run within the context of my_strand.
        async_read(socket, ..., yield);
        // Still within my_strand.
  • explicitly dispatched on my_strand:

    // The lambda will execute within the context of my_strand.
      [socket&](boost::asio::yield_context yield)
        // In my_strand.
        // ...
        // The socket_.async_read_some() operations that composed async_read()
        // will run within the context of my_strand.
        async_read(socket, ..., yield);
    my_strand.dispatch([socket&](){ socket.close(); });

For more details on thread safety, composed operations, and strands, consider reading this answer.

1. The revision history documents an anomaly to this rule. If supported by the OS, synchronous read, write, accept, and connection operations are thread safe. I an including it here for completeness, but suggest using it with caution.

like image 112
Tanner Sansbury Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 01:01

Tanner Sansbury