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Is #inject on hashes considered good style?

Inside the Rails code, people tend to use the Enumerable#inject method to create hashes, like this:

somme_enum.inject({}) do |hash, element|   hash[element.foo] = element.bar   hash  end 

While this appears to have become a common idiom, does anyone see an advantage over the "naive" version, which would go like:

hash = {} some_enum.each { |element| hash[element.foo] = element.bar } 

The only advantage I see for the first version is that you do it in a closed block and you don't (explicitly) initialize the hash. Otherwise it abuses a method unexpectedly, is harder to understand and harder to read. So why is it so popular?

like image 756
averell Avatar asked Jul 12 '10 17:07


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1 Answers

As Aleksey points out, Hash#update() is slower than Hash#store(), but that got me thinking about the overall efficiency of #inject() vs a straight #each loop, so I benchmarked a few things:

require 'benchmark' module HashInject   extend self    PAIRS = 1000.times.map {|i| [sprintf("s%05d",i).to_sym, i]}    def inject_store     PAIRS.inject({}) {|hash, sym, val| hash[sym] = val ; hash }   end    def inject_update     PAIRS.inject({}) {|hash, sym, val| hash.update(val => hash) }   end    def each_store     hash = {}     PAIRS.each {|sym, val| hash[sym] = val }     hash   end    def each_update     hash = {}     PAIRS.each {|sym, val| hash.update(val => hash) }     hash   end    def each_with_object_store     PAIRS.each_with_object({}) {|pair, hash| hash[pair[0]] = pair[1]}   end    def each_with_object_update     PAIRS.each_with_object({}) {|pair, hash| hash.update(pair[0] => pair[1])}   end    def by_initialization     Hash[PAIRS]   end    def tap_store     {}.tap {|hash| PAIRS.each {|sym, val| hash[sym] = val}}   end    def tap_update     {}.tap {|hash| PAIRS.each {|sym, val| hash.update(sym => val)}}   end    N = 10000    Benchmark.bmbm do |x|     x.report("inject_store") { N.times { inject_store }}     x.report("inject_update") { N.times { inject_update }}     x.report("each_store") { N.times {each_store }}     x.report("each_update") { N.times {each_update }}     x.report("each_with_object_store") { N.times {each_with_object_store }}     x.report("each_with_object_update") { N.times {each_with_object_update }}     x.report("by_initialization") { N.times {by_initialization}}     x.report("tap_store") { N.times {tap_store }}     x.report("tap_update") { N.times {tap_update }}   end  end 

And the results:

Rehearsal ----------------------------------------------------------- inject_store             10.510000   0.120000  10.630000 ( 10.659169) inject_update             8.490000   0.190000   8.680000 (  8.696176) each_store                4.290000   0.110000   4.400000 (  4.414936) each_update              12.800000   0.340000  13.140000 ( 13.188187) each_with_object_store    5.250000   0.110000   5.360000 (  5.369417) each_with_object_update  13.770000   0.340000  14.110000 ( 14.166009) by_initialization         3.040000   0.110000   3.150000 (  3.166201) tap_store                 4.470000   0.110000   4.580000 (  4.594880) tap_update               12.750000   0.340000  13.090000 ( 13.114379) ------------------------------------------------- total: 77.140000sec                                user     system      total        real inject_store             10.540000   0.110000  10.650000 ( 10.674739) inject_update             8.620000   0.190000   8.810000 (  8.826045) each_store                4.610000   0.110000   4.720000 (  4.732155) each_update              12.630000   0.330000  12.960000 ( 13.016104) each_with_object_store    5.220000   0.110000   5.330000 (  5.338678) each_with_object_update  13.730000   0.340000  14.070000 ( 14.102297) by_initialization         3.010000   0.100000   3.110000 (  3.123804) tap_store                 4.430000   0.110000   4.540000 (  4.552919) tap_update               12.850000   0.330000  13.180000 ( 13.217637) => true 

Enumerable#each is faster than Enumerable#inject, and Hash#store is faster than Hash#update. But the fastest of all is to pass an array in at initialization time:


If you're adding elements after the hash has been created, the winning version is exactly what the OP was suggesting:

hash = {} PAIRS.each {|sym, val| hash[sym] = val } hash 

But in that case, if you're a purist who wants a single lexical form, you can use #tap and #each and get the same speed:

{}.tap {|hash| PAIRS.each {|sym, val| hash[sym] = val}} 

For those not familiar with tap, it creates a binding of the receiver (the new hash) inside the body, and finally returns the receiver (the same hash). If you know Lisp, think of it as Ruby's version of LET binding.

Since people have asked, here's the testing environment:

# Ruby version    ruby 2.0.0p247 (2013-06-27) [x86_64-darwin12.4.0] # OS              Mac OS X 10.9.2 # Processor/RAM   2.6GHz Intel Core i7 / 8GB 1067 MHz DDR3 
like image 166
fearless_fool Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09
