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Is in Typescript possible to define 'object of arrays of type string? (right position of type checking?)



I know in typescript an object can be typed either by ClassName (ES6 class) or by 'any'.

I also know you can define an array of string (string[]) and even an array of arrays of string (string[][]).

I need to express the type of an object whose properties are only arrays of type string.


export var MY_VAR: any = {
    <string[]> p1: [...]

I tried with something like any following object_name: but not luck.

I also tried any following object_name and before each object's array.

In either case I have syntax errors (see example above)

EDIT apparently

export var MY_VAR: any = {
    <string[]> p1: [...]

works instead. however I don't understand what the difference is

like image 986
dragonmnl Avatar asked Apr 26 '16 09:04


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1 Answers

It's not very clear what you're asking for, but if I managed to get you right then:

interface MyType {
    [key: string]: string[];

Or inline:

let myArrays: { [key: string]: string[] } = {};
like image 148
Nitzan Tomer Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

Nitzan Tomer