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Is IE The Only Browser (or version) That Does Not Allow Flash Object Manipulation?

I've tried multiple ways to edit Flash Objects / Embeds via Javascript and it seems to work in everything but IE, so I'm thinking about just throwing IE out the window for this application unless there are older + used version of other browsers that also do not allow you to edit objects. An example of this would be:

document.getElementById(divID).innerHTML = '<object ...><embed ...><\/embed><\/object>';

or in jquery

var params = '<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />' +
             '<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />' +
             '<param name="allowNetworking" value="all" />' +
             '<param name="movie" value="player.swf" />' +

If all the rest of the modern browsers and the most used versions of them do support this kind of editing then I'll just scrap IE. And before I get floods of the SWFObject JS Framework, I'm not going to include a huge framework for a browser that I do not believe is going to contain my demographic.


Here's a link to a JSFiddle I created. It works in all browsers but IE8

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Howdy_McGee Avatar asked May 03 '12 04:05


1 Answers

I believe the <param>part of your code is for <object>.

You have to pass the name/value pairs for embed too.

$("#objectPlayer embed").attr({
    "src": "fileName.swf",
    "name": "fileName",
    "allowFullScreen": "true",
    "width": 200,
    "height": 100,
    "type": "application/x-shockwave-flash"

    //and so on...

But I would use SWFObject anyway, it is the industry standard, it's quite robust and it is the best way of embedding flash on the website.

like image 121
strah Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 13:10
