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Is HttpUnit deprecated / inactive / not supported?



When I explored and worked on HttpUnit 3 yrs back I liked it for what it does. Though after 3 yrs of not tracking it, when I suggested a solution based on it to my colleague, he told me it is deprecated? The apache status tells it is active. No where I could find if this is true. I will be shocked if that is true. Went thro the bug list and found no assignees for last 1 year. Should I conclude from this inference that it is deprecated?

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arunram Avatar asked Dec 25 '11 16:12


2 Answers

The news has not been updated because the website has not been updated, and is no longer current with the changes to sourceforge. I am looking into moving the project to github.

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Russell Gold Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 02:11

Russell Gold

My name is Wolfgang Fahl and I am one of the committers of httpunit.

The project is not dead. Russell and me still commit changes regularly. Progress is slow since there are not too many developers involved. You are kindly invited to participate if you'd like to see any improvements. We have just released 1.7.2 to maven.org a few weeks ago:


See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21705675/patch-process-for-httpunit/21706183#21706183 for an ongoing activity. Please feel free to ask more questions here.

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Wolfgang Fahl Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 01:11

Wolfgang Fahl