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Is HttpModule shared among working threads?

Do I have to lock access to instance members?


public class HttpModule : IHttpModule

    Dictionary<int, int> foo;

    void UseFoo(int a, int b)
        foo[a] = b;
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TN. Avatar asked Apr 11 '10 23:04


2 Answers

It's not crystal clear to me so far from the MSDN documentation, but I found a forum post from someone who claims to know the answer. It sounds like you shouldn't expect bad stuff to happen with your implementation, but you should be aware that foo's state will not necessarily be shared across all results since your HttpModule will be created once per HttpApplication that IIS chooses to keep in its pool.

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sblom Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 07:10


I wanted to offer here my findings related to this question as I have observed in IIS6:

I have been dealing with this issue extensively in IIS6 and have found some interesting results utilizing log4net and reflection to capture execution history. What I have found is that there is extensive 'thread management' going on behind the scenes. It seems that there is a 'primary' series of threads that corresponds 1:1 to HttpApplication. These threads however to do not exclusively handle the pipeline for your request. Various different sub-threads can be called when these instances are accessed. Subsequent new requests and resource requests utilized by your application seem to share some persistent information relating to your original request but are yet never handled entirely by the initial thread indicating some type of relationship. I could not discern any concrete pattern (other than what i've previously described) as to which elements were divvied to other threads as it was seemingly random. My conclusion to this evidence is that there is some concept of hierarchical pooling? occurring where some unknown subset of reference elements are inherited in the child threads through the parent reference.

So as an answer I would say that HttpModules are shared between threads. In terms of locking instance values, this would be applicable if the values apply to all requests which use the module and must maintain some state. I could see this being useful if attempting to maintain stateful instance values which are expensive to ascertain so that they could be reused in subsequent requests.

This issue had been troubling me for some time hopefully this info helps someone.

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NickSuperb Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 08:10
