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Is GWT's RPC different from AJAX?

How is GWT (Google Web Toolkit)'s RPC (Remote Procedure Call)'s for Asynchronous operations from browser/javascript to server is DIFFERENT or SIMILAR when compared to the AJAX calls ?

If they are different, could someone help me understand how they are different ?

I also heard that this RPC implementation does not works with all Server containers. For example, the GWT project did not work in Apache Tomcat.

Moreover, is this RPC a an custom implementation of Google , or is it a standard implementation ?

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yathirigan Avatar asked Dec 06 '12 01:12


People also ask

Is GWT server-side?

Server-side CodeGWT provides an RPC mechanism based on Java Servlets to provide access to server-side resources. This mechanism includes generation of efficient client-side and server-side code to serialize objects across the network using deferred binding.

What are AJAX calls?

AJAX calls are one method to load personalized content separately from the rest of the HTML document, which allows for the full HTML document to be cached, improving back end load time.

How does AJAX work?

AJAX allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by exchanging small amounts of data with the server behind the scenes. This means that it is possible to update parts of a web page, without reloading the whole page. Classic web pages, (which do not use AJAX) must reload the entire page if the content should change.

1 Answers

1) GWT RPC uses AJAX to allow Data transfer for GWT applications.

2) GWT RPC abstracts out lot of information and wraps ajax to allow you to code in JAVA without worrying about different browsers.

3) It WORKS in tomcat, jetty and in every server container. In some cases people misconfigure the paths ( dev mode vs production mode causes confusion in image paths/ css)

4) RPC is indeed a CUSTOM implementation from Google.

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appbootup Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09
