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Is firebase OTP is free or there is a usage fee? [closed]

I am planing to use firebase OTP in my project but not sure is it free or not. Seems like it is free

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Chinthaka Devinda Avatar asked Mar 05 '18 07:03

Chinthaka Devinda

People also ask

How much OTP is free in Firebase?

Luckily, Firebase phone authentication offers such a system for Android and iOS, along with free quota for SMS verification messages (10,000 free per month).

Is Firebase authentication free forever?

Firebase offers a no-cost tier pricing plan for all its products. For some products, usage continues at no cost no matter your level of use. For other products, if you need high levels of use, you'll need to switch your project to a paid-tier pricing plan.

Can we send OTP using Firebase?

Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. You can use Firebase Authentication to sign in a user by sending an SMS message to the user's phone. The user signs in using a one-time code contained in the SMS message.

How many OTP I can send to Firebase?

Firebase Phone Authentication operates with Limits to 5 OTP SMS only- Mobile App in Flutter.

2 Answers

Per the Firebase pricing page, you have free 10K successful verifications every month. In a month if you cross more than 10K verifications, then you might be charged.

Prices are per successful verification.

On the Blaze plan, Phone Authentication provides a perpetual free tier. The first 10K verifications are provided for free each month. You are only charged on usage past this free allotment.

All other Firebase Auth features are free to use on all plans.

enter image description here

Reference : https://firebase.google.com/pricing/

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Arun Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09


To check the prices of Firebase products, please check the link below:


According to the link:

Free Products:

Authentication (except Phone Auth), Analytics, Predictions, App Indexing, Dynamic Links, Invites, Remote Config, Cloud Messaging (FCM), Performance Monitoring, Crash Reporting, and Crashlytics.

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Peter Haddad Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Peter Haddad